
Here are some free give-aways for our listeners… helpful tools and techniques highlighted by our guests and your podcast host.


From Episode 24: “Embracing Plan B - Life & Love After Divorce” with Angela & Rick Miller

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast episode with Angela & Rick Miller is one where they talk honestly about the difficulties of divorce and how they both navigated “life even after” to a place of love, hope, and a beautiful blended family. They do not sugar-coat how difficult divorce and break-up can be, but with helpful resources, a loving close group of friends and family, and strong faith, they moved through the grieving process and into a state of thriving. 

From Episode 23: “REAL Heroic Journey” with Christina Roberts Enneking

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast episode with founder Christina Roberts Enneking is a vulnerable peek into the soul journey of Christina’s own Heroic journey and the process she helps others through … the process toward breaking unwanted habits/patterns and realizing freedom/liberation. As many are familiar, the Hero’s Journey was made popular by Joseph Campbell in his book, “A Hero With A Thousand Faces”. Christina’s version is where people individually and collectively unpack their own REAL Heroic Journey, with practical tools and guidance.

From Episode 22: “The Narrative Initiative” with Vivian Canci Foulke

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast episode with Vivian Canci Foulke was a tribute to the work of she and the late Dr. Lorraine Dickey as part of “The Narrative Initiative”. This model works for teams or individuals. #Kindness 

From Episode 21: “Archetypes in Vedic Astrology” with Drew Lawrence

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast episode with Drew Lawrence explored a myriad of concepts from life purpose to alignment with the planets when our souls entered this life, according to the divine science of the planets. In Vedic astrology, the planets, sun and moon are all associated with certain archetypal energies and play crucial roles in interpreting a person’s soul journey or divine purpose. Here is a brief overview. For more information or booking a 1x1 session, check out DrewLawrence.com

From Episode 20: “The Hero’s Journey through Archetypes” with Manoj Chalam

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast episode with Manoj Chalam, we move through topics that resonate with the concept of the Hero’s Journey made popular by Joseph Campbell in his book, “A Hero With A Thousand Faces”. Manoj offers teachings as the sage, sensei, or friend who expresses teachings with informality and humor. Check out how he teaches about archetypes through spiritual expressions of Hindu and Buddhist deities (in the Hindu tradition, called “murtis”) at his website and worldwide retreats, MurtisAndVedanta.com

From Episode 19: “Simplified Coach Reframing Tool” with Kaylyn Lehmann & Teri Dahlbeck

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast episode with Simplified Coach Co-Founders Kaylyn Lehmann and Teri Dahlbeck highlights how hope, trust, and friendship create the foundational building blocks for a successful global company. They share tips and tricks for leaders to be at their best, with the ability to reframe perspectives as a key skill.

From Episode 18: “COPE Notes Primer” with Johnny Crowder

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Johnny Crowder highlights the company he founded and is currently leading: Cope Notes. This is a text-based mental health platform that provides daily support to users in nearly 100 countries around the world. Johnny’s personal journey through mental health challenges such as OCD, PTSD, bipolar disorder and others, have provided him a series of life experiences where he has learned how to survive and in this journey, has created practical and effective ways to provide mental health tools that are accessible to all, without stigma or high prices of support. He wants others to receive the help that allows for living a life worth living.

From Episode 17: “Ending Racism Now! with Love and Action” with Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski highlighted ways where we, as everyday citizens, can get involved and support one another, creating a better world for all. Justin Michael Williams has created a Pledge to End Racism (in ONE generation) with information about what IS possible when we all pledge our support for our human family.

From Episode 16: “10 Keys to Unlock the Potential of All Women”

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Jane Finette reviewed practical ways in which each and every one of us can support unlocking the potential of women in our world, thereby investing in education, environmental protection, and improved rights of all living beings. These 10 Keys are what we can do to empower women of all race, culture, and socio-economic background.

From Episode 15: “5 S’s of Self-Care”

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Reisa Babic highlighted the importance of self-care and self-love as we navigate challenges in life. In our podcast, Episode #15, we discuss the 5 S’s from a neuroscience perspective, of calming the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby facilitating the mind to operate from a place of “pause and plan” vs.“fight or flight”.

From Episode 13: “Going DEEP”

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Gv Freeman highlighted multiple inflection points around spiritual awakening and a path toward freedom and liberation … or at the very least a higher happiness set point. Gv is a business consultant, coach, medicine carrier, and psycho-spiritual counselor who works primarily with founders, entrepreneurs, and executives to open the door to personal fulfillment and purpose. He does this by guiding them through a DEEP inner journey. Here is a glance at his roadmap.

From Episode 12: “Conscious Business Leadership Practices”

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Jennifer Prugh explored ways in which business leadership can also encompass compassion, kindness, right speech and conscious action to build a business and a “sanctuary” where every voice, every person, and every belief is welcome. 

Here are a set of ethical guidelines, taken from the Yoga Sutras (from Patanjali and this version translated by Chip Hartranft), to offer practical ways for conscious decision-making. These can assist business leaders in making decisions that are good for business, good for the community, and are aligned for supporting the highest good. A special gift from our guest Jennifer Prugh. 

From Episode 11: “Nine Petals of Clearbright Innate Medicine”

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Cain Carroll includes wisdom, seeds of universal truths, and practical skill-building to foster innate healing, no matter what ailment is creating dis-ease in our body-mind-spirit, In the podcast, and here as an exercise, Cain Carroll leads us through the Clearbright model of Innate Medicine and Inner Healing. 

To find out more, check out: Innate Medicine and/or Cain Carroll’s website for more practice opportunities. 

From Episode 10: “Who Am I? 5-Minute Autobiography Practice”

Our REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Anne Heffron was fun, insightful, and full of inspiration for how to find our inner courage and voice so we can write our personal story with a sense of wild aliveness. When we find a way to tell our story, we better know who we are and how we best contribute to life. Here is Anne’s helpful writing tools to spark your inner dynamite.

Also, check out her incredibly vulnerable and poignant book, You Don’t Look Adopted.

From Episode 9: “Parent and Teen Coaching Works!”

The REAL Eyes Realize podcast interview with Caitlin Hoffman was inspiring and resource-rich.  Caitlin has been devoted to supporting, educating, and collaborating with adolescents and parents with academic success and less stress for over 35 years. Caitlin has tips to share with us for deepening our own education, as a parent, with an awareness for what’s most important in connecting with our teens to build strong, resilient, and successful young adults.

From Episode 9: “RAIN Practice for Self-Regulation”

REAL Eyes Realize the importance of processes difficult, triggering emotions, or at the very least, having a strategy for emotional regulation.  The RAIN practice is helpful for just this action.

RAIN stands for:

R – Recognize (name your feelings)

A – Allow (make space without the desire to get rid of tough emotions)

I – Investigate (be willing to contact what’s inside)

N – Nurture (bring in kindness; to self and others)

From Episode 8: “Team Maverick and ALS Awareness”

The REAL Eyes Realize podcast is created to raise awareness, amplify voices of REAL heroes in our communities, and highlight ways in which we can support one another.  As we spotlight people creating positive Ripple Effects Actualizing Love (REAL) in this world, we can all learn, grow and benefit from the lessons they model.

Doug McNeil, Jessica Eastland (Doug’s daughter) and the entire McNeil family and community who support them continue to focus on social-emotional well-being, service above self, and the power and grace of positive actions. Doug is battling with ALS and continues to be a model of bravery and compassion. Jessica is leading the charge with positive actions to raise awareness for ALS research and support her family and all who know and love them through his challenging disease.

Here’s how WE can help.

From Episode 7: “Resources for Gender Identity Awareness”

REAL Eyes Realize podcast is dedicated to getting REAL and raising awareness for resources that support our
families and communities in the cross-section of deep personal truth and loving acceptance of one another. We wish to foster an environment of inclusivity and acceptance as it relates to gender identity and expression. Often, the first step is to educate ourselves on the challenges, opportunities, and resources available to support any and all persons to live their most authentic life, in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond.

From Episode 6: “Knapsack for Grateful Living”

In talking with REAL EYES Realize podcast guest Kristi Nelson, the nuggets of wisdom shared were bountiful and sacred.  Kristi is a cancer survivor, devoted teacher, executive director for A Network for Grateful Living, and author of Wake Up Grateful: The Transformative Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted. She offers us amazing tips for living a grateful and abundant life.

From Episode 5: “Grief Resources”

According to REAL EYES Realize podcast guest Jessica Smith,  dealing with impermanence and the sudden loss of a loved one is tough work.  In the midst of the challenge, there is still opportunity for a rebirthing process.  Here are some helpful resources on Grief from the REAL Eyes Realize team.

From Episode 4: “Sustainable Service Aid Model”

Equality focuses on providing equal resources to all, irregardless of the needs of each community member.  Therefore resources will be granted to those who don’t need them and the same resources provided to those it does not help. An equity model improves the situation by dispersing resources depending on individual needs and helping those who need it most, but how sustainable is it?  It still introduces a dependency on outside organizations for resources. The REAL advancement is that a Liberation model.  This model works with the community to identify the obstacles, then works to remove them, thereby providing freedom and rights to all.

Also from Episode 3: “Music and Documentary Resources” from Lonnell Graham

Music and movies are outstanding mediums for understanding viewpoints from a variety of different people, walks of life, and challenges of which we can all relate or find an extra dose of education and awareness. We are excited to share some of the Top Picks of Documentaries and Music from social activist and podcast guest Lonnell Graham.  We hope you ENJOY!

From Episode 3: “Steps to Getting Started with Social Activism” from Lonnell Graham

According to REAL EYES Realize podcast guest Lonnell Graham, getting started with involvement in a cause that speaks to your heart can feel daunting or intimidating at times. The important step is to follow your heart, “be the change you wish to see in the world”, and know that is all starts with small steps forward. Here are some tips from Lonnell on getting started with social activism. 

From Episode 2: “That’s Interesting” Grounding Statements

“That’s interesting” is one of many possible grounding statements to work as a trigger interrupter. Grounding statements can be words, quotes, phrases, or anything that grounds you when you feel triggered. A wonderful tool shared by podcast guest Manoj Chalam, as he joins his lovely wife Jyothi Chalam, in their continued partnership through life’s tribulations and triumphs.

From Episode 1: “Introduction Invocation”

At the beginning of each podcast interview, the REAL Eyes Realize team and our guest speaker(s) take a moment of pause and grounding as we kick-off the session with this introduction invocation. We share it with our listeners as a way to see inside our beginning… the spark of rooting ourselves and our guests before we unfold the stories of how love and service are being realized in our world from their work.